

时间:3周前   阅读:529


在您下注的时候,系统会在短时间内判断是否确认注单,在此机制下所有同时间的注单无论赢或输都会出现相同的注单状态。 如阁下觉得进球时间和投注时间过于接近(如数秒内),请寻求客服中心的协助,我们会调查不寻常的情况是否属实。 

Why do I need to confirm my bet when the goal is about to be scored?

When you place a bet, the system will determine whether to confirm the bet within a short period of time. Under this mechanism, all bets placed at the same time will have the same bet status regardless of whether they win or lose. If you feel that the goal time and the bet time are too close (such as within a few seconds), please seek assistance from the customer service center and we will investigate whether the unusual situation is true.


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